The Role of Digital Evidence in Rhode Island Sex Crime Investigations and Trials

The Role of Digital Evidence in Rhode Island Investigations

These days, it’s nearly impossible to do anything on a computer or smartphone without leaving behind a digital footprint. This goes far beyond your internet history—websites and data providers have quite a few ways to identify which videos you’ve watched and who you’ve messaged.

Safe to say, the role of digital evidence in Rhode Island sex crime investigations and trials has never been more pivotal than it is right now. And as a Rhode Island criminal defense lawyer who’s successfully defended every type of sex crime in RI, John E. MacDonald knows this fact better than anyone.

What is Digital Evidence in the Context of Rhode Island Sex Crime Investigations?

In the context of Rhode Island sex crime investigations, digital evidence refers to any electronic data that may be relevant to the case. This can include, but isn’t limited to, the following:

  • Emails
  • Digital videos
  • Digital photos
  • Text messages
  • Browsing history
  • GPS and location data
  • Direct messages or “DMs”

How is Digital Evidence Used in Rhode Island Sex Crime Trials?

In Rhode Island sex crime trials, digital evidence can be leveraged by both the prosecution and your criminal defense attorney. Prosecutors often rely on digital evidence to corroborate a victim’s or witness’s testimony. They may also use this data to construct a supposed timeline of the offense, or trace interactions between the accused and the accuser.

Defense attorneys, on the other hand, can use digital evidence to add context and challenge circumstantial evidence. For example, an accuser might claim that a specific message or interaction constitutes a crime. Your lawyer can look at the entire conversation to discover any omitted details or less-than-accurate testimonies.

Basically, in a Rhode Island sex crime trial, digital evidence can work for you or against you—which is why the chain of custody and rules for admitting it are so stringent.

What Are the Rules for Admitting Digital Evidence in Rhode Island Courts?

Per the RI Rules of Evidence, the rules for admitting digital evidence in Rhode Island courts are:

  • It must be relevant, meaning it makes a fact of the case more or less probable
  • It must be authenticated, typically through expert testimony or official analysis
  • Any evidence constituting hearsay is invalid unless an exception has been determined
  • Evidence must be collected without violating your privacy rights, meaning no unlawful search and seizure

But these rules cover only the basic threshold. Even if all of the above apply, there are many scenarios in which a skilled RI sex crimes lawyer can argue for having evidence excluded from your trial.

What Are the Challenges of Using Digital Evidence in Rhode Island Sex Crime Trials?

Some of the many challenges of using digital evidence in Rhode Island sex crimes trials are:

  • Digital evidence can be manipulated, deleted, or fabricated
  • Interpreting the context of texts, emails, etc. can be difficult
  • Violating your Fourth Amendment rights by gathering evidence without clear consent
  • The sheer volume of digital data in some cases can be overwhelming for all parties

But what do these challenges mean for your defense strategy? 

First, your attorney should always be on the lookout for opportunities to have evidence suppressed. Anytime the chain of custody isn’t clearly followed, it’s a chance to have potentially incriminating evidence struck from the record—which is good news for your defense strategy.

Secondly, you two should take special care with handling any evidence that supports your defense. The last thing you need is for the prosecution to prevent your attorney from leveraging records or data that could prove your innocence.

Can Rhode Island Investigators Track the Location of Suspects Through Digital Evidence?

Yes, Rhode Island investigators can absolutely track the location of suspects through digital evidence—and you don’t even need to be using a GPS app.

You see, things like your smartphone, vehicle navigation system, and even your favorite apps can track your location through:

  • GPS signals
  • Wi-Fi networks
  • Cell towers

People have been convicted of crimes using this type of data. Prosecutors can look at which cell towers your smartphone has been near and use that to support their courtroom strategy.

How a Skilled Rhode Island Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help

In this digital age, it’s easy to feel like the deck is stacked against you. So much of what constitutes digital evidence is circumstantial or contains layers of context that can be hard to clearly explain.

But when you work with a skilled, aggressive Rhode Island criminal defense lawyer like John E. MacDonald, you can rest easy knowing your case is in highly experienced hands. Here’s how your attorney can help:

1. Challenging the Validity of Digital Evidence

  • Your lawyer will question the authenticity or relevance of digital communications and data.

2. Suppressing Improperly Obtained Evidence

  • A skilled attorney will file motions to have this evidence completely excluded from your trial.

3. Presenting Expert Analysis

  • Experienced attorneys know how to use digital forensics experts to counter the prosecution’s claims.

4. Arguing Context

  • Your lawyer will pay special attention to ensuring digital evidence is interpreted correctly in order to prevent misrepresentation.

 5. Defending Your Privacy Rights

  • Your attorney should always challenge any evidence collected through unlawful searches.

6. Cross-examining the Prosecution’s Experts

  • Raising reasonable doubts about the other side’s credibility, methods, and overall conclusions is a crucial skill in this situation.

7. Negotiating Favorable Outcomes

  • Above all, your lawyer should utilize every available legal strategy to minimize your consequences.

If you or a loved one have been charged in the state of Rhode Island, time is of the essence. You need aggressive legal defense from an attorney who truly understands how impactful digital evidence can be in a Rhode Island sex crime investigation—and more importantly, how to argue for its exclusion from your trial.

You don’t have to fight these terrifying, potentially life-altering charges alone. Contact Rhode Island sex crime defense lawyer John E. MacDonald today at (401) 421-1440 for your free case consultation.