
Rhode Island Criminal Case Process

Rhode Island Criminal Case Process

What Happens After You’re Arrested in Rhode Island If you’ve been charged with a crime in RI, it’s normal to feel a whirlwind of emotions. Fear, anxiety, and even anger are all common reactions. But if you go into this…

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The Rhode Island Arraignment Process

The Rhode Island Arraignment Process

If you’ve recently been arrested, it’s easy to become confused with all of the penalties, procedures, and legal terms that are often associated with criminal charges. However, there’s one specific step in the criminal process that is critical to understand…

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Child Pornography Investigations

Child pornography investigations are relatively simple. Law enforcement has the software to track who is on file sharing sites where images of child pornography may be posted, viewed or downloaded. Known images of child pornography have a numerical hashtag value…

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third degree sexual assault

Sexual Assault In Rhode Island

Sexual Assault In Rhode Island It is illegal in Rhode Island for a person to have sex with a minor, which in this case pertains to anyone under the age of sixteen. The act is still considered illegal if the…

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False Sexual Assault Accusations

False sexual assault accusations are real. Every day, in police stations and courtrooms throughout the United States, someone faces false rape accusations, a false sexual assault allegation, and many other false allegations involving sexual violence. While our criminal justice system…

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