
Possession of Cocaine Conviction

Criminal Defense Charge: Client was ordered removed based upon a 1997 possession of cocaine conviction. Client was denied the ability to apply for cancellation on this conviction due to a 1982 breaking and entering charge that constituted an aggravated felony….

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Rhode Island Domestic Violence Penalties

In the state of Rhode Island, domestic violence convictions carry heavy consequences. Over the past 30 years, there have been drastic shifts in the legal authority granted to law enforcement officers. Police are now able to make warrant-less arrests when…

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Child Rape Pornography Attorney

Different Types Of Manslaughter

Involuntary manslaughter is when a person is killed during another crime, or when a death occurs without advance planning. This is usually divided into two categories, criminally negligent and constructive manslaughter. Constructive manslaughter is considered an “unlawful act” and is…

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