Holiday Cheer & End of the Year Festivities
The holidays are a treasured time with family and friends, filled with grand feasts and great cocktails. The holidays also bring about another unforeseen string of events; DUI arrests and convictions. DUI accidents and DUI related injuries experience a large spike over the holiday season with Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve leading the way. The holidays are known for balancing our normal routines with holiday parties and requisite end of the year festivities, stretching our schedules far to thin. Sometimes the stress of the season and holiday cheer can lead to a few to many glasses.
In addition to celebratory drinking, every holiday season people have to deal with the increased pressures and stress that the holidays place upon most of us.
Pre-Plan Your Parties
Try pre-planning most of your activities for the final month of year. Having a clear layout of your agenda can reduce stress and allow you to prepare for the seasonal onslaught of social tasks. We recommend assigning a trusted and responsible designated driver for all formal and informal gatherings you’ll be attending. Holiday parties can often run late into the evening or even early the next morning. Having a designated driver is the safest approach to holiday survival. If you find yourself in a bind or pulled over to the side of the road this holiday season there are many factors to consider in deciding to take or refuse the breathalyzer test.
Here are a few tips to remember over the holidays:
- You should always take the breathalyzer refusal test if you are CERTAIN you will pass.
- You should consider refusing the test if you have DUI convictions in the last five years or someone has been injured in an accident you’ve been involved in.
Our Rhode Island DUI Attorneys will be able to advise you on how we can protect and defend your rights. Call The Office of John MacDonald at 401.421.1440 to discuss your legal matters.